Sunday, April 27, 2008

Eating in Italy

So, after an odd trip to Cairo (the bus broke down), and no sleep for two days, I am in Tuscany, camping. Cairo was actually quite wonderful on my last day, and I am glad to have had this positive experience of it. In retrospect, I definitely chose the wrong place to stay on my initial arrival, and that tainted my expectations and experience. The last week in Egypt was simply fantastic, and I would even consider going back, though not to the great tourist-as-victim-fest that is the run of ancient sites along the Nile. Glad I saw, them, though. The arrival to Rome was interesting. They had us all wait while they ushered a man out-- a medical emergency, though he looked fine. Then we had to go through some very heavy security before even entering the airport. Rather odd. Later the next day I saw the same guy on the news-- some kind of diplomatic talks in Rome, I think.

Rome was literally wonderful-- as in there are architectural wonders every few feet. Met up with a dance research colleague and had a grand chat and an excellent meal. Now I'm in Pisa, basing myself here for a while in a local campsite. It's a place with a nice feeling to it, and I got a great private tour of the excavation site of the ancient Roman fleet of ships they discovered a few years ago. Just amazing! Tomorrow I'll do a day trip to Lucca. For now I'm happily picnicking on inexpensive but really good cheeses by my tent, and having fun taking pictures. No way to work with or upload them from here, but you'll see them eventually on flickr.

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