Monday, April 7, 2008

Cairo Traffic

No time to blog, but here's a quick note:

Cairo is kinda crazy, but lots of fun. I know some people won't believe me, but RAGSN take note: there is a city with much worse and crazier traffic than either KL or PP: It's Cairo.

The trip so far in a nutshell: London for two days: had grand time-- met a friend I had lost track of by wandering aimlessly following intuition that I was going somewhere I should be. (Hi Gemma! Thanks for the pint, BTW my turn next time.) Went to Greenwich and loved it. That was a RAGSN moment for sure, though I managed to leave the flag in the hotel.

Met an SJ neighbour on the tube to the airport. BA lost my luggage-- wandered Rome for a day tired, cold, and scruffy (no shaver in my carryon-- the one and only time I did that ironically). Had fun anyway-- it's Italy!

Night flight to Cairo, day exploring old parts of Cairo and the museum. King Tut had some lot of stuff! Visited a huge market at night, and also my first time in a mosque.

The old, and "real"? part of Cairo was the best for me. Reminiscent of Siem Reap with traffic from Kuala Lumpur added in and lots more people. Donkey carts everywhere, mostly laden down with onions or garlic, or something that looked like that. Cats everywhere too-- little things. I saw hand carts made out of hardwood, and many other things that are essentially medieval, which I love. Watching and horses donkeys compete with cars in three lanes of weaving aggressive traffic made me worry for a moment, but there's a system and while it seems dangerous, everyone seems to know what's going on and I only saw one major accident.
No donkeys in that one. Did see someone nearly run over by a horse and cart, but by far the most dangerous part of traffic here appears to be the air pollution, which I am finding a bit hard on me, at least.

Tomorrow an escape from the city to see nearby ancient sites, and maybe I'll have more travel plans sorted out. I don't want to plan, but it seems necessary here. I'm looking forward to some point when I can just hang out for while. Perhaps Dahab will be like that.

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