Monday, May 5, 2008

Seeing and Singing and Dancing

Originally uploaded by adraskoy
Italy is a visual feast at any time, and this trip has proved no exception. I am now in Verona, a city I know fairly well, having been here a number of times. I've been taking extra time here this time, as it's a comfortable place to be. There are still new things to see at every moment. There are also nice surprises of other kinds. On Sunday I got to see a performance of a local folk music and dance group. They even got a bunch of us to join in on a dance, which I was happy to do, of course. For a country with such strong traditions, folk music and interest in it is surprisingly rare, so this was a special treat for me.

It took me a while to get into my usual way of being in Italy-- wanting to explore and check out many different places. It's hit me now that I am about to leave! I went to Vicenza today, and have decided to (somehow!) put Mantova into my itinerary tomorrow. I'm supposed to be leaving the country tomorrow, and I'm out of memory cards for my camera, but we'll see. 8G of pictures and counting! Once I'm home there will probably be a lot of flickr posting.

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